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this is a project website! please refrain from stealing! do check out my f2u page! other than that, thanks for viewing this project!

23082024: thought of coding this.

26082024: in the process of coding.


created: 08/26/2024
updated: 08/26/2024
followers: 2000
visits: 35000
hello and welcome to my simple website! i, [name], am the webmistress of this site! this is my little corner of the internet where i will share a part of my life here as well as work on my projects and my art pieces i have! plus other things i have planned for this site!

this site may not be much but i put my heart and soul into this! please feel free to leave a comment in my guestbook, if not i really appreciate the visit!
warning! this site will always and constantly be under construction as i am never satisfied! if any links are broken, please also do let me know! otherwise pages might also be under construction too!
webrings, etc!

currently no webrings as this is a projects page!

project coded by rice!