as previously mentioned, inactivity is by choice.
button is located at home link!

check out webring if you want to join the nekoweb webring, username if you want to be a part of the nekolink and social (still beta) if you want a site specifically for statuses like statuscafe!

no buttons: picea, toa, wataru, burger, james, nana, grimlock, beddybyekitty, blackspace, okesska, charle, leechkiss, washedhands, juri, mushipet, ava, sleepy, takeo, babydoll, mars, vomit, epicfranb, plushmancer, vomit.

archived layouts:
layout version #1 felt cute coding this. thought i would stick to this simple design layout but i wasn't really feeling it. pink is a pretty color and is a color that can easily be used for anything BUT i don't really like pink layout.
layout version #2 wanted to change to a more comforting style. loved it but meh. could be more.